Celebrating Chickens

It’s finally warm enough that I’m able to work in my office again, and with that joy comes another – the sounds of chickens all day long.  They are the perfect background music for me – with their luxurious clucking as they lay and the song of the rooster.  Sometimes, they disconcert my clients when I’m on calls, but mostly, they layer my day with delight.

So today, enjoy some of my joy with a few images of our birds this morning.

Doesn’t it look like Lemon and Onyx are taking a stroll?
The view from the run isn’t awful. 🙂
Vermilion strikes a pose.
Hyacinth and Xander
Hyacinth, a Cochin, and Xander, a Barred Rock rooster

Published by

Andi Cumbo-Floyd

Andi and Philip live on their 15 acres of quiet at the edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Andi is a writer and editor, and Philip is an engineering technician and a vehicle safety center. They share their space with 4 dogs, 4 cats, 6 goats, and 22 chickens.

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